

Provincial Director Applications

A special thank you goes out to Judi Brown, as the Provincial Director since the fall of 2018. We appreciate everything you've done since you've been appointed. Judi has chosen to pursue other interests and will be resigning her position once a new Provincial Director is appointed.

The Provincial Director is an appointed position, which includes an application submission and interview process. All members are eligible to submit their application. The deadline for applications is August 23, 2024. A prescreening process will take place and only those deemed to have the necessary skills and experience will be contacted for interviews. Please submit your application to administrator@dartsalberta.com, and include a summary of your skills and experience relative to the position.

Application - https://www.dartsalberta.com/file.aspx?id=632888&dl=1 

Position Description - https://www.dartsalberta.com/file.aspx?id=586018&dl=1

Cory Bowen, President

New Central Tournament Location

Darts Alberta is pleased to announce that we have found a new venue for all those events that are typically held in Ponoka. Our new venue is the Innisfail Legion, who are very much looking forward to our events being held there. The first event is the 2024 Pro Am that will be held on Saturday, September 7, 2024. An updated poster will be added to the website for this invitational tournament for all those eligible through our grassroots program and from our elite list. 

Call for Nominations

The 2024 Annual General Meeting will take place on Saturday, March 9, 2022 at the Ponoka Legion. 

As per the Elections Policy, ANY MEMBER wishing to run for a position on the Board of Directors must submit their intent to run for the position(s) by notifying the Administrator no later than 14 day prior to the Annual General Meeting. For the 2024 Annual General Meeting, your INTENT TO RUN and Volunteer Application (if not already on file) must be received by the Administrator (administrator@dartsalberta.com) no later than Saturday, February 24, 2024. Current Board Member applications are on file, so only notification is required for anyone running for their current position. 

At the 2024 Annual General Meeting, the following positions are up for election:

Details regarding each position description can be found by clicking on any of the above positions.

Additional Resources:

Volunteer Application Form (PDF Fillable)

All details regarding the election process are contained within Policy 030. This policy outlines the only exceptions for when nominations will be taken from the floor as well as the timelines of when members must comply with the Volunteer Screening Policy.

Further details about the Darts Alberta Volunteer Screening Process are contained in Policy 022.

Nationals Format Change

A detailed explanation has been provided by the NDFC regarding the change of the Nationals Format. 

Youth AGM Shoot Discontinued

Unfortunately because of continued lower participation in the Youth AGM shoot, the event has been discontinued, effective immediately. Youth members are eligible to participate in the Adult AGM shoot, provided they attend the AGM meeting.

Save the Dates

Due to a conflict at the Ponoka Legiona, the Darts Alberta AGM will be held on Saturday, March 9, 2024. 

  • AGM - Saturday, March 9th - morning
  • Adult AGM Shoot and Youth AGM Shoot - Saturday, March 9th - morning - must attend AGM to participate
  • Member League Doubles - Sunday, March 10th

More details to follow.


As more coaches are being trained, a new process was implemented in 2016 and those processes were put into a new Alberta Policy 031.

Darts Alberta Coaches must have successfully completed the NDFC Level 1 Coaching course (online) and a minimum of the NCCP Make Ethical Decisions module. Consideration may be given to someone that is already in the process of completing the on-line course or already registered for the MED course, depending on their other qualifications and experience and the qualifications of other candidates. But it is important to note that if there are a sufficient number of candidates, those without the necessary qualificiations may not be considered. 

Every applicant must complete the Darts Alberta Volunteer Application and submit this to the Darts Alberta Administrator. The deadline is December 31st, 2023.

Each successful applicant must comply with the screening criteria as outlined in Darts Alberta Policy 022.

Each applicant must be available, preferably in person, for the interview process that will be held mid to late January. Further details will be provided if selected for an interview. 

Note that when completing the application for coaches, the options are listed under “Appointed Positions”. If interested in both Youth and Adult Coach Positions, please click on your preferred choice in the drop down menu and make a note of your second choice in the Comments Section.

Should a coach have any questions regarding training, certification or the selection process, please contact administrator@dartsalberta.com for more details.

New Membership Information Required

Some of you may have been advised by your league that Darts Alberta now requires the following information for all members:

  • Gender
  • Date of Birth
  • Postal Code

Some members have questioned the need for the information. Because we receive funding from the Government of Alberta every year, extensive reports are required to be submitted from every sport that receives this funding…not just from Darts Alberta. In the past, we were only asked for this information by age group (under 18, 19 to 25, 26 to 54, and 55+) and estimates were given based on the population of our membership. This is no longer the case. 

The Government of Alberta (our funder) is requesting that all Provincial Sport Organizations (PSOs) – collect the birthdates of their members as a requirement of their annual funding agreement. Membership statistics play a role in the amount of funding we receive from the government and if we are unable to provide complete information, those members will not be able to be counted. This could significantly affect future funding.

Protection of Personal Information—Although your league collects and submits your name, address, gender, date of birth and postal code to Darts Alberta, this information is only accessible to 2 people within the organization, the Darts Alberta Administrator who is the Darts Alberta’s Privacy Officer and the Darts Alberta Membership Director. Individuals’ names and addressed are not submitted to government. Similar a generic list of Gender, Date of Birth and Postal Code are submitted in our government reports. 

We appreciate that this is an onerous task to ask of our leagues and we urge everyone to be as cooperative as possible.

To all of our member leagues, please submit whatever information you have by the deadline and we will all work together to gather this additional information.

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